3E's in logan county: What's your E?
Are you a business/organization interested in sharing your specific jobs openings with Logan County students? Click the link below get started.
Do you have multiple job positions open and are looking to share them? Please email [email protected] to submit multiple job listings.
Are you a business/organization interested in provide an update on positive things happening in your organization (expansion, anniversary, spotlight on a local alum that works for you, community event, etc) with Logan County students? Click the link below get started.
What's the 3E initiative?
The E's stand for Employed, Enlisted and Enrolled. The goal is to ensure that prior to graduation, every student in Logan County has committed to either: Employment at a local company, Enlistment in the military, or Enrollment in a 2 or 4-year college. Each E is to be equally honored, respected, and given equal consideration. College is not the only option! The resources compiled here are designed to help students (and their parents) find the E that is right for them. Whatever E you choose, our community is excited for you and your bright future.
Consider employment right after graduation if…
Consider enlisting in the military right after graduation if…
Consider enrolling to continue your education after graduation if…